It’s Been A While Out Here.

I’m not sure why exactly I decided 2 months would be a good amount of time to spend here.
That’s a lie, actually.
I thought 2 months would be enough time to find a part time, temporary job so I could make a little bit of extra money to take on the road (air? - I’ll mostly be flying) with me. And while I did get a job (at the California Academy of Sciences! - A really spectacular science museum), the start date is much later than I was originally anticipating. With the job and having a schedule, time will definitely move differently, but being in a new place, with people I don’t know, and with a few unsettled feelings - as cities are quite a different experience than what I’m used to - at first, it was freeing; everything was new to explore, but now, I almost feel a little bit stuck…
Things to do to help:
Sign up for meetup and find interesting groups with interesting people.
Go to regular events that you like - weekly dancing, and exercise group, etc.
Find the free admission days at the nearby museums (the Conservatory of Flowers is every first Tuesday, and the Japanese Tea Garden is every Mon., Wed., and Fri., if you arrive between 9-10).
Look at the local listserv for cool events.
Try to be less shy and initiate conversation with others.
With all of that in mind, it’s still been kind of lonely, especially for a (kind of shy) extrovert.
I’m enjoying my time here, and I’m very much excited about my (temporary) job and for my friends from San Francisco to come back from school, but I think a month would have a been a perfect amount of time here. My feet are itching to board that next plane and experience new countries; I want to see the rest of the world! I’ve been dreaming about a trip like this since I was very young, and I’ve been seriously planning for months.
And now I’m ready. 


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